Fourth of July Inspired Fashion & Retail Illustrations

Since it’s fourth of July weekend, I thought I’d share one of my more patriotic National Advertising Campaigns created for The Container Store “Love Your Luggage, Go Organized!” This gallery features my fashion illustrations paired with photographed products. The prevailing theme of red white and blue in this this series of my illustrated travels features fashion, lifestyle and destination illustrations. Here’s but  just a few of the advertising layouts that were published in web, direct mail, in-store standees, pop displays, billboards as well as full page editorial ads in all major newspapers nation-wide.
The Container Store: Fashion Illustrations by Pepper Tharp
The Container Store: Love You Luggage Illustration in Chicago
Illustration of French Bulldogs with The Container Store AD
LoveLuggageHOMEPAGE copy
The Container Store Illustrations for National Advertising Campaign
The Container Store’s Illustration Campaign in Greece


Love Your Luggage in Venice !| Pepper’s Travel Illustrations for The Container Store
ParisTravelGirlweb copy
Pepper Tharp in Paris: Red White and Blue,  Fashion Illustration

Beach Daydream’in | pepper tharp: fashion & lifestyle illustration

PurpleGingham180_TharpWe’ve had a tough couple of weeks here in Minneapolis with the loss of our beloved Artist, Prince. I’ve decided it’s high time we get back into the swing of things take my jam box to the beach, and feel the purple love vibe!

Designing with spring blooms helps an illustrator find inspiration

Finding inspiration a in every bloom is just the ticket to keep this illustrator refreshed and positive as  a late spring continues to dig in her heals here in Minneapolis. My passion for floral design and floral styling shots is part & parcel to my creative vibe as a fashion & lifestyle illustrator ( from the studio of pepper tharp)IMG_3517IMAG5019IMAG4991PArisFAshionWeek180X